Four years ago I had just gotten out of hospital from an ovary cyst infection and shortly before that a Kundalini Awakening that was taking everything I had to navigate.
Through the grace of God I was invited to assist Francesca Gentille and Luminessa Enjara with their revolutionary 4 day training The Somatic Integrative Healing of Women.
The depth of psychological and somatic information in this training is profound. It supports the recovery from Trauma (both sexual and other forms), accompanied with the education to understand how we can truly heal and integrate the fragmented parts of our souls.
For me personally, this training (and the next one I also jumped at assisting) were integral to my own wellbeing and as a practitioner for other women returning to wholeness within.
Women can take this training to learn how to heal yourself or work with other women as a Certified Sensual Trainer & Somatic Practitioner.Men can take the training to learn to hold sacred safe space for women to heal, including your partner.
This class is potentially one of the doorways to put trust back into the body, mind and soul. There is power. It’s tangible. There are skills and tools to make that power and agency tangible in the face of trauma, in the face of parts of us feeling powerless, or being internaly hijacked. It’s a valuable gift. It is an essential need that many people (kinds of human) share. Meredith Simon, Massage Therapist, Healer, Witch
This is something is I have been trying to do with my own family. It is filled with soul and emotion. It has me live with integrity in my own life. That is what will inspire them, and ignite them. I can imagine them asking me what has had me change and grow. I’ve gotten the resources to share with them. Not save them but collaborate in their growth. We’re learning how to be better people. It’s unique. Adrian Brennan, Teacher and Coach
I learned that there is really so much more sexual healing that needs to be had even when we don't think so.
I learnt so much. I am so appreciative of so much. The archetypes was such an amazing revelation. They were so fun to play with and make so much sense.
Authenticity. Every moment is a new moment of new choice and checking in to our authenticity. You can never predict where the healing will go. That's the magic of it.
I want to keep practicing all of it. I want to continue to use this work on myself, share it with my partner, and other women, and other men. - Lillie -
The high ethic and high spiritual component here allows me to feel safe to receive. Thank you for doing this work. It is beyond the cutting edge of our society for me to give myself this love. - Lauren Seals -
I loved learning the Archetypes. Initially that was a learning curve. Both in witnessing and my own healing. It was so deeply powerful.
I learned more about psychology as well as human growth and development. I learned how to empower the voice more when someone is within their healing. - Jennevieve -
The non-attachment is so important. In my sex life and in any aspect of my life. And sharing that with other women and men.
I learned the value of letting the receiver guide the process. I learned how complex and sensitive the vagina is and all the parts to it. I am looking forward to using it with my beloved.
I get the power of this work and why we are doing it this way. It was great for me to have more of a voice. I was able to deepen my practice. I can do more sexual healing now.
I felt most moved by the openness that you all walked in the door with every morning. The eagerness to learn and experience and go places you’ve never gone before. And for chasing those fears that sometimes are scary. Just seeing overcome fears. Seeing myself over come fears. Thank you everybody. - Hannah
What I found was the continuous atmosphere of commitment, openness. The eagerness to discover to support, to be authentic. But even more so but where all of where you are in your lives. How you want to expand it. It is finally given me permission to accept that I got this. I already got this. I can do something for others. I don’t need to doubt myself. Seeing this in action. I align with this. I’m good. I’m fine. All of your gentleness. Everything. - Katerina -
The ability to find out that I can be a sensitive person. I never thought of putting myself in another’s shoes. I integrated it with these teachings. I thank you all so much. - Esteban -
I’m appreciative of distinctions for me means being able to see and sense with greater discernment. Which means especially the discernment of what someone else wants and what I want. And the discernment/distinction between the Inner Archetypes and how they are expressing themselves through me. I appreciate the non-judgmental space. I think I feel vulnerable at times to projections on me. I felt safe in this space to be me and share who I am. The safety and non-judgmental environment came through Francesca revealing herself her past experiences and challenges and mistakes. It created a safety to me so that my own experiences wouldn’t be judged. - Soul Love -
I appreciate all of you for teaching this wonderful class. Most of the time I am in my head trying to fix things. Now, after taking this class I can collaborate. I can watch healing be revealed. I could see that the healing process takes times and has movement. I understand that now. - Raj
Something important for me is everyone’s commitment to their Inner Work. We are all in the same boat. That is so nice to meet other deep divers. It was very healing for me to be in the space with such divine examples of Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine. To be given the space to go at my own pace. - Moonbeam -
Somatic Integrative Healing of Men
I appreciate the clarity and simplicity and organic unfoldment of the this work. The depth to which it goes. And the humanness of it. The realness. It’s so desperately needed in the world. I feel privileged and honored to share it from my heart. I feel grateful that I found it. It will be an avenue of my own healing. I’ve been looking for this training for 10 years. Healing trauma does not have to be traumatic. The ease and the beauty with which it happens and that flows from it is so inspiring. I get a big sense of hope that there is hope and healing for the world. -Dana
I really appreciate the way you break everything down and study the nuance of every aspect of the work. - William -
I walked in with a pretty strong relationship whit men. Very confident in my groundedness as a love, healer and ally of men. It is one of the most potent take always is how much I haven’t been. I feel like a whole new arena of support, and seeing and compassion has been made available to me. It’s bad ass. How simple it is to be with someone and give them back their yes. Not having to have the answers. Making contact with what you track. Very clean and very easy. It is well articulated package of awesome. - August -
I am grateful for the autonomy of choice being given back to me. The agency given to me and the control. The freedom of information to actually ask for what I was really needing. The permissiveness of having it book to ask for what I want and receive what I asked for in such a loving kind, gentle, non-judgmental way. Made it safe for me to express authentic feelings that I have been holding in for so long. And in being able to have that authentic expression I am more fully connected and in my body than I have been for months. - Fish -
I feel like the training, and after reviewing a lot of the content of the folder is really all encompassing. It has been a personally enriching and fulfilling experience for me. I took it to relate to men better and now I feel like also relate to myself better and where I still have work to do. I am glad I finally arrived. I am really excited to have this content. It was really all encompassing. There was not one moment that felt bored. - Natalia -
I appreciate the depth of experience of the instructors and the opportunity for my voice as a man to be fully heard, and to be compassionately heard with limitless space and sincere appreciation. - Soul Love -
I was honored to witness the sessions that happened. I love being in the orbit of the teachers. Your Temple has me feel like Christmas. -Moonbeam -
When Francesca came to Puerto Rico it changed my life. Because I was doing Tantra Sessions and this gave a language to it. Now I have the binder which is amazing. There were frustrations, misunderstandings and stirring up. It was old wounds. I felt pain and the hurt but it also gave me the medicine. Here you have almost instantly, especially if you are sharing it, you have the remedy.
I feel and I know that I have grown a lot these past 4 days. Especially, I am not like this. I don’t cry. I thought it was Somatic Healing with Gay Men. It was beautiful how the universe gives you not what you want but you need. I had the feminine support and forgiveness. I have gained so much. One of my goals as a human is to be better. - Josue -
This is such an amazing space. I am blown away by the people in this work. I am humbled by the commitment and enthusiasm, and sincerity that you bring.
I learned how to listen to those really subtle intuitions. This work was calling me to just be present. It's more powerful to give the power back to the receiver.
I love the conscious communication part. I am learning to share authentically. I loved holding space, and inviting. Not feeling that we have to fix. Not feeling like I need to make them better.
I wanted to thank you and all the priestess/shamans for the powerful, healing weekend. Please pass this on to worked! Especially, the 5 kisses Blessing from Francesca and Luminessa. That really helped clear a lot of stuff...I guess you could tell. So powerful! This has been the most effective workshop for me since HAI, Steve and Lokita...and Margot Anand! I really feel like I've made some new and valuable friends. Send me some prosperity prayers 'cause I want to take some more workshops.Blessings! - Jim ~
I feel like I’ve been watching time lapse photography of beautiful plants, gardens, and forests. Everyone here, I can see in front of me this amazing growth of health, vitality and knowledge. We are in a full whole place. I can tangibly feel it. - Christina -